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Short Dogs and Urinalysis

Anne Laffin

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

short dogs and urinary analysis

We celebrate a LOT of pet-centric holidays in the US, and for good reason – we love them! And while there isn’t a specific month dedicated solely to small or short-statured dogs, let’s talk about these lil’ canine companions for a minute.

“Short Dogs” can refer to dogs that are simply smaller in size such as:

  1. Dachshund: short legs & long bodies. They were originally bred in Germany to hunt badgers

  2. French Bulldog: small and compact, and currently the most popular of the brachycephalic breeds

  3. Pug: classically wrinkled face and a short, curly tail

  4. Yorkshire Terrier: small all-around with a silky coat; originally bred in England to hunt rodents

  5. Corgis (Welsh, Pembroke, etc.): short legs & long bodies; broader than a Dachshund and with large, pointed ears

  6. Chihuahua: typically the smallest of the small breeds, but with a much larger personality!

There are of course many other breeds of dogs that have short legs, but these are some of the most popular.

Why are we highlighting these breeds in particular? Because these little ones are so close to the ground, they:

  1. Tend to get a higher occurrence of urinary tract infections (UTIs); especially females

  2. Are more difficult for owners to obtain a urine sample from

While the reasoning for the increased occurrence of UTIs isn’t fully understood, it is thought to be due to these pups’ short stature, and their anatomic configuration, that any preexisting bacteria on the ground is more likely to wick up the urinary tract when the dog postures to urinate.

Combining this physical configuration with these breeds’ larger-than-life personalities can make it difficult to obtain a urine sample for analysis. Until now…

Being able to provide your team/clients with a device that is not only extendable to prevent backache, but unobtrusive so that it can slide under the pet in order to collect a sample would be incredibly helpful wouldn’t it?

Enter the “Wee Wand” a patented device created by the team at QSM Diagnostics in order to save our backs and enable a clean urine sample to be obtained without undue stress, fuss or muss. Another adaptation for this is the “Wee Sponge” which connects to the “Wee Wand” and once placed in the collection bag – by someone wearing gloves of course! – allows for even a small amount of urine to be obtained for analysis.

Here's the wee wand in action!

So the next time your vertically challenged pet/patient is showing signs of a UTI – increased drinking, more frequent trips outside, and licking at themselves, contact QSM and get your own magic “wand”. Your patient, veterinary team, and client will thank you!

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