Welcome to QSM’s “Meet our Team” feature where we introduce some of our amazing team members and highlight their interests and motivations! Today we highlight Matthew Wallace, QSM’s Director of Operations.
Hi Matthew, thanks for taking the time! Could we start with a brief introduction?
From Kentucky originally, I’ve had the pleasure of living, learning, and working on

both coasts. I attended UC Davis and UCLA, loving California and maximizing the educational and cultural opportunities of both. After graduate school, I left CA and migrated to Massachusetts to work at MIT where I eventually founded a business, met my wife, and recently had two amazing children. I have a keen interest in science, business, health, and technology. I love a challenge and the problem solving required to start and keep a profitable business. My current dream is for every working parent to be granted a daily magical 2-hour time slot of personal time.
What about QSM Diagnostic’s technology excites you the most?
The endless possibilities. We are a platform technology that can address the challenge of accurate and rapid point of care bacterial identification. Our imagination, grit, and creativity are the only limits to maximizing this amazing technology.
What keeps you busy outside of work?
A few years back I would have gone on about my outdoor adventures and the many ways I made the most of our beautiful world: backpacking, kayaking, mountain biking, and rock climbing to name a few. These days I am kept in check by my two wonderful toddlers who maintain a tight schedule and allocate very little time to my personal outdoor interests.
Any pets?
Fiona SuperDog Wallace – her legal name.
Favorite animal celebrity?
Lassie – Old school loyalty!
Last question, are you a cat or a dog person?
Given my love for Fiona, definitely a dog person.