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Meet our Team: Amy Bowman, VMD

Ed Goluch

Welcome to QSM’s “Meet our Team” feature where we introduce some of our amazing team members and highlight their interests and motivations! In the last post of our series (for now!) we are excited to highlight our Chief Veterinary Officer Amy Bowman, VMD.

Hi Amy, could we start with a brief introduction?

Hello! I am QSM’s Chief Veterinary Officer Amy Bowman and I’ve been a veterinarian for the past 21 years. I have been involved with small animal companion medicine for my entire career and have spent time both as a practitioner and as a senior leader at national hospitals. I received my VMD from The University Of Pennsylvania and I was with Banfield Pet Hospitals for 12 years as a Medical Director, Regional Medical and VP of Medical Quality. I was also involved with Compassion First Pet Hospitals as a Regional Group President.

What about QSM Diagnostic’s technology excites you the most?

I am excited about QSM’s technology given that it is groundbreaking in the field of veterinary medicine. There is an opportunity to use technology to help veterinarians make more informed decisions and enhance the standard of care across all practices. The usage of molecules to detect and quantify infection-causing bacterial species, in the office and in as little as two minutes is amazing.

What keeps you busy outside of work?

I love birds, dancing, and spending time at Lake Wylie – where I live in Charlotte NC.

Any pets?

I have many parrots – four macaws (Ari, Rocky, Ripley, and Ava), a cockatoo (Sugar), and many others! I also have two dogs, Laddie, an 18-year-old Pomeranian, and Bonnie, our 3-year-old Pittie-mix with three legs.

Favorite animal celebrity?

I would have to say Grumpy cat and Gotcha the cockatoo.

Last question, are you a cat or a dog person?

As a veterinarian, I can’t play favorites! I love both cats and dogs equally.


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